

A unique, floral inspiration website with step by step photography and inspiring instructional films and detailed product information of all the used materials. Also check out our trend section with useable information on what pattern, material or color to combine to get the current fashionable look in your design. 


Мастер-классы по изготовлению букетов из конфет, цветов из бумаги ( из гофрированной бумаги), декора и различных подарков своими руками. Разные фишки и секреты в видео формате! Канал для тех, кто любит создавать красивые подарки, а также для тех, кто делает или планирует делать букеты из конфет и цветы из различных материалов своими руками.

e-Laipa - Mācies latviešu valodu internetā

Mācies latviešu valodu tīmeklī, izmantojot pašmācības rīku e-Laipa!

Tas paredzēts pieaugušajiem latviešu valodas apguvei. Saturiski e-Laipa ir saistīta ar drukāto mācību līdzekļu komplektu “Laipa” (pašlaik publicēts mācību līdzekļu komplekts – mācību grāmata un darba burtnīca – A1 un A2 līmenim) un atbilst latviešu valodas prasmes līmeņu aprakstam.


Highbrow is the solution to the knowledge gap. With Highbrow, we try to create a simple and easy way for people to gain new knowledge in less time than it takes to drink a cup of coffee.

In just 5 minutes, we hope to make you just a little more knowledgeable than you were the day before.


Lynda.com is a leading online learning platform that helps anyone learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. Through individual, corporate, academic and government subscriptions, members have access to the Lynda.com video library of engaging, top-quality courses taught by recognized industry experts.


Take free live online classes taught by the world's most inspiring instructors in creative topics, including photography, design, craft & more.
Today we’re 7 years wiser with 1500+ curated classes, 650+ world-class instructors, and 10+ million students.